Monday, February 16, 2009


I have come to conclude that sometimes I just need to finish things on my own pace. I hate it when I feel pressured to finish something that I am doing just for fun. There is way too much in life that you have to do on a schedule...and so for the fun things it is nice just to do then when you feel like doing them. I volunteered to do a quilt for my co-worker. Yes I had it for a few months...but she finally asked if someone else could finish it. I wasn't offended but I still feel a bit guilty. I guess that what I want to do for fun just kinda goes in cycles. One day I feel like sewing...the next scrapbooking...the next knitting...etc. I guess that is just Megs.

I just finished my spider for my dear friend Annette (from Indiana). Yes it took some time to finish it, but I know she doesn't really care. :)


Melissa said...

You are so creative, I can see how you would get distracted & want to do different things because you can do it all! :)

That spider is very cute.

Don't worry, if you ever make me anything, I won't get stressed about how long it takes, or when it's done. :) I'll just appreciate that you did it for me. :)

Nike and Mike Kirby said...

Hahaha I'm the same way!