Friday, February 26, 2010

Not me Friday

I haven't written in a while, and I am so sorry! So here is my not me Friday:

I am not stressed about all the school work next week...which does not include a midterm worth about 1/4 of my grade, a paper in the same class and a 10 min presentation in the other class on the same day as the midterm. I wish that I could just get over my test anxiety already! And I did not break down in tears in the middle of class during the review for the midterm. I think that my teacher must think that I am nuts...but I hope not since she is stuck next to me on the like 16 hour flight to Paris.

I am not looking forward to my trip to SLC next week. Kyle will be on the road again and I did not want to stay home alone really I didn't. So after my week from Hades with school I am promptly taking Friday off and hitting the road! :) Just pray for good weather.

Tonight I was not getting sentimental about my old high school. Weird.

I was not preparing lesson plans for a job that I don't have. If anyone has taken a foreign language and would like to pass on what they loved to do in their high school classes I would love the advice.

I did not enjoy spring cleaning at the office. And my office was not violating fire codes. Also I was not thoroughly enjoying the fact that I broke the rules and wore sneakers to the office...but I was doing the dirty work and nice shoes just don't cut it.

I do not have 63 days left on my countdown to France. :)

I did not realize this week that I am finally an adult. Seriously, when did THAT happen?!

I am not currently listening to Edith Piaf, who is not amazing. :)

I am not still searching for good sandals to take to France. I'm really not having any luck.

I do not love having my house back in order...I really am a neat freak. Someday I might have to get over that, but today is not that day.

I did not find some Peanuts comics in French...which made me very happy. I think that someday they will be posted on my wall of my classroom. Once again the plans that I am not making.

I do not need to find a new book for my flight...I am so out of the loop with books, which is so weird for me, the person who when not taking classes reads a book a week. Once again any suggestions are welcome!

I think that is all for tonight...:)


BaconandBitch said...

I have a few tips. As for books, the Hunger Games and Chasing Fire. Amazing!!!!!! As for the sandals, DON'T think that you have to buy super expensive sandals for all the walking, etc. you will be doing in France. Super expensive ones don't make your feet feel any better. You will be doing a lot of walking and touring so your feet are going to hurt no matter what. So, my advice is to get comfortable ones but don't buy ones that are too expensive. It isn't worth it. Trust me on this one. :)

I am seriously so excited for you! Have you told Mr. Lee that you are going?

Melissa said...

I totaly second The Hunger Games and Catching Fire. Good seires. Also, The Uglies series. I use I have a list of over 100 books that other people read that I think look good, so I never run out of books to read. Go on and add me as a friend! Also, Undaunted. I just have too many books to recommend here. :)